Phlox (Abscess Root)
Used in the treatment of coughs, colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, tuberculosis, fever, inflammation, rashes and venomous bites.
Risks & Side Effects: None.
Location: Central Yellowstone.
Coralroot (Autumn)
A rare but very potent, very powerful sedative and fever reducer.
Risks & Side Effects: None.
Location: Eastern Yellowstone (Shoshone Forest, Wapiti Valley).
Lewis Monkeyflower
Used to induce vomiting.
Risks & Side Effects: The plant tastes very bitter which can cause dehydration if care is not taken.
Location: Northern Range (Dunraven Pass), Southern Range.
Harebell (Round)
Used in the treatment of heart and lung problems, ear infections and sore eyes.
Risks & Side Effects: None.
Location: Everywhere.
Penstemon (Sand dune)
Used to alleviate vomiting, cramps and debilitating stomach ache.
Risks & Side Effects: None.
Location: Eastern Yellowstone (Wapiti Valley, Colter Peak, Pilot Peak).
Penstemon (Yellow)
Used to quickly relieve constipation and other stomach complaints, and in the treatment of sores, cuts and small wounds.
Risks & Side Effects: None.
Location: Northern Range (Lamar Valley, Tower Junction), Southern Range (Pelican Valley).
Lupine (Seashore)
This plant is rich in starch and excellent for curing the weight loss caused by malnutrition.
Risks & Side Effects: Roots should be dried, never eaten fresh, as they contain toxins which are known to cause hallucinations and disorientation.
Location: Central Yellowstone (Yellowstone Lake), Western Yellowstone (Gibbon Falls).
Fleabane (Aster)
Used in the treatment and cure of dysentery, open cuts and wounds, fleas and ticks.
Risks & Side Effects: Plant has a very strong, pungent scent which lasts approximately one week.
Location: Everywhere.
Rabbitbrush (Rubber)
Used in the treatment of toothache, rasping coughs, chest pains, colds, tuberculosis, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, sores and skin eruptions.
Risks & Side Effects: Should only be given in small, infrequent doses, may cause respiratory failure in large quantities.
Location: Eastern Yellowstone, Southern Range.