Intense Greying
Represented by 'GG'. In canines with this gene; as they age, their coats tend to grey and dull extremely noticeably.
Greying with this gene may start from as young as 2 years of age, turning features such as the face, paws and tail almost white by the time they reach 'end of life'.
Normal Greying
Represented by 'Gg'. These canines' coats do not dull as much as one with 'GG' but it will still be visually noticeable.
Greying with this gene may start from as young as 5 years, and takes roughly 1-3 years to reach 'completion'.
No Greying
Represented by 'gg'. Canines with this gene will show no visible greying no matter how old they get.
The coat may dull over time, but will otherwise never lose its adult colouration.
Other manifestations
'GG' or 'Gg' genes may also turn black pigment (especially in dominant black canines) to a shade of grey or blue, sometimes known as 'false dilution'. It is a generalised occurrence, so any and all black pigment (with the exception of the canine's features) will be affected.