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Used in the treatment of stomach ailments, abdominal cramps, menstrual complaints and nosebleeds. Herb may be dried before use or the juices extracted fresh.


Risks & Side Effects: Causes miscarriage in pregnant females, and known to cause liver failure if used in excess.


Location: Everywhere.

Shooting Star

Used to boost fertility in females and increase the chances of pregnancy.


Risks & Side Effects: None.


Location: Everywhere.

Bitter Root (Pygmy)

Used to recover any nutrients lost as a result of Winter months, malnutrition or illness.


Risks & Side Effects: The herb has a phenomenally bitter taste and is known to cause insanity.


Location: Northern Range (Washburn Mt. Range), Central Yellowstone (Flat Mountain).


Used in the treatment of skin disease, kidney disorders, insanity, stomach ache and leprosy. It is known to prevent conception in large doses, though can be used during pregnancy to keep pups small and thus allowing for an easier birth- particularly with large litters. The roots of the herb may be ingested in order to purify the blood.


Risks & Side Effects: None.


Location: Eastern Yellowstone (Overlook Mountain, The Sleeping Giant).


Used to prevent starvation on long journeys, difficult seasons or during times of famine.


Risks & Side Effects: The herb reportedly creates a burning sensation on the way down the throat.


Location: Everywhere.

Lupine (Blue)

This herb is rich in protein and often used as part of a well-balanced, specialised diet for recovering the weight-loss caused by malnutrition.


Risks & Side Effects: The roots should be dried, never eaten fresh, as they contain toxins known to cause hallucinations and disorientation.


Location: Northern Range (Mirror Plateau, Lamar Valley), Eastern Yellowstone (Overlook Mountain), Southern Range (Colter Bay Village).

Phacelia (Branching)

This herb is used to completely clear a blocked stomach.


Risks & Side Effects: None.


Location: Southern Range (Gravel Mountain).

Sagebrush (Mexican White)

Used in the treatment of parasites (such as worms), sore throats, and open sores. The plant is a stimulant often used to give the user a mild energy boost.


Risks & Side Effects: May cause dermatitis or an allergic reaction.


Location: Southern Range, Eastern Yellowstone.

Sagebrush (Black)

Used in the treatment of coughs, colds and headaches.


Risks & Side Effects: May cause dermatitis or an allergic reaction.


Location: Eastern Yellowstone.

Sphagnum Moss

Used as a wound dressing as it has highly anti-septic properties when fresh. May also be used to relay water over long distances.


Risks & Side Effects: None.


Location: Everywhere.

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